I had DT 40+, DR 25 and buffouts boost to health, 3 elite rangers took my health out in 20 seconds while I was trying to kill them. Take on MI securitrons with it and don't fight back your health goes down rapidly, due to loads of pin pricks. PA on its self is not great, not by a far margin. Yes I know, the NCR rangers due to this are equal to deathclaws in strength and armour, yet a power armoured BoS is weaker. I think power armor may be air conditioned, heat would probably be an issue in any environment. If you take some Med-X while wearing your power armor, its effects increase dramatically. This is why veteran rangers are so tough in a stand up fight they have 30% DR ontop of there DT. Here's an important thing to remember about DR, it likes to be applied before DT.